Pup and Cat Co.
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This website is to submit the volunteer application only. For all other inquiries, please visit our main website at
Pardon our website upgrade notice. You ARE in the correct site to submit this volunteer form , even if you see the yellow link to go back to our main website. Boxer / Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed : : Female (spayed) : : Baby
Raffi is approximately 10 months old. She is a
beautiful, friendly, loving girl. She was recently found roaming the
streets, but is now in a foster home where she is learning about life
as a family pet. She is young, has a lot of energy and gets along
with people, kids and other dogs. A companion dog to keep her busy
would be great. She is in the process of being crate trained and getting obedience training. She will need some
reinforcement once in a home and definitely obedience training would
be just the thing. A fenced yard a must.
For a pre-adoption application please e-mail a request to the e-mail address at the bottom.
PAC adoption days are held every Saturday from 11:30AM to 3:30PM at PetSmart in Buford (across from the Mall of Georgia).
We do not have a shelter facility and our pets are housed in foster homes, vet clinics and local boarding facilities. Many of our adoptable pets attend adoption events each Saturday at Mall of Georgia Petsmart in Buford, Georgia from 11:30-3:00 pm Please check with us to find out if a particular pet will be available. Dogs going to adoption event are typically posted on our Facebook page the day prior. Details about our adoption procedures can be seen at www.pupandcatco.com. Other Pictures of Raffi (click to see larger version):